Friday, March 2, 2012

Form HW


I. Here is the handout I showed you in class this week. Your homework is to create a complex drawing of an object showing all you know about FORM. In this drawing (or the accompanying studies) you will have all the studies you did to understand this object. I would expect you to use some of what you learned while working from the masters you admire so that these drawings are not only "studies" but drawing that show us something about how you think or feel about this object/situation.

II. For your midterm you will have to scan/or photograph the most important work you have done up to this point and any copies of master or drawing images that you have collected. This work will be gathered into one POST, properly labelled with your name so that I can search it easily for my midterm comments and evaluation. The deadline for this post is March 16th- anything posted after this date will not be considered. (You may go to the 55 W 13th lab to get tutoring on how to post if you are lost- or talk to friends.)

Following are some inspirations and one demonstration on form.

Paul Cadmus

Jenny Saville
Sir Alec Isigonnis

Have a great week. Work hard, be well, Tom

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