Saturday, October 6, 2012

Value and Volume drawing from class


The exhibit really inspired me to combine things which seem peculiar, but have some sort of connection. The industrial revolution was subject to a lot of inventions, the most prominent being the steam engine, which gave away to the normal mode of transportation, horses. I wanted to make something which was a little humorous, at the same time was a little surreal. So thats the horse being replaced by the steam engine.

Form/Volume in Class

Marlborough Gallery Visit

In Chinese Culture

In chinese culture

Friday, October 5, 2012

Drawing with salts

Art With Salt [Daft Punk] by Bashir Sultani.

From In-class Wednesday: Value and Whatnot

I've got a lot more to learn in the value and lighting department. :/ ((sigh)).  But I think I am learning how to see around the object.  A little bit.  Maybe.

October 3th class: Volume and Value

Final drawing - Ancient Egyptian culture

This is my final drawing from my exploration of Ancient Egypt culture. After focusing on the way they depicted the figures, I started exploring the colors used in their paintings.
I made this collage bringing together the forms and colors from Egypt, and from now. In spite of the differences, a lot of things are similar in both scenes. The pyramid-like form at the top of buildings is one example.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Form/Volume in Class

Gangster Culture

For this assignment I explored gangster culture and the classic gangster old style mobile. I tried to understand the dimensions of the car by exploring volume. 

Luiza O M Dale - Gestures/Value in class

First gestures in the beginning of class...

 And moving on to value...