Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Punk Rock Baby - Melissa Nolan

These are my drawings for my punk rock forms.  The above -  I was playing with a scrap of paper meets scrap of poster and the whole torn and battered anti-establishment (ness?) of the punk scene - you said to get a little crazy and push the envelope - I ripped the paper and crinkled it and wrote crazy stuff on it.  The final drawing I simplified to make a shape based drawing with suggested body parts - using black and white and a child's crayon for a touch of irony on the potty chair.  Punk rock baby is taking a shit.  LOL  He doesn't give a shit because he is a punk rocker baby.  I am happy with this drawing it brings the sharp shapes and the softer shapes and the irony and rebelliousness of the punk rockers out in a way to combine with my sense of humor.  Anarchy is shit?

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