Friday, September 30, 2011

Burak's First G./Blind Contour / Developed Gesture Supplement

I don't know what's with the grey shade, doesn't exist on the paper.

Burak Master Drawing

Homework Sept 28

1. I just wanted to add a bit to our in class presentation: These sketches are from Erich Mendelsoln: the first few are his general sketches (some quick and small, some developed in ink with a brush and refined). The last four are for the same building....I think it is interesting to look at how he "showed" elements that were in the final building in his sketches and how the sketches changed or developed. My favorite is #2 as it has a force about it- as if it is above me (both literally and figuratively).

In regards to the assignment this week: Remember the daffodil drawings I showed had a process involved in them. I was trying to FIND out about the qualities of these little flowers- without any assumptions. I was looking and trying to understand all the things that made up this "daffodil"? But I also had my mind, heart and soul "interrupting" the drawings- or FEEDING the drawings! That's what made it exciting for me.
In "teaching" others to be creative you all will have to SHOW your WHOLE process! Mental, written, DRAWN, scribbled, gestured, confusion, clarity, the WHOLE PROCESS from the very beginning through a wonderful (sometimes scary or insecure) process to the end where you discovered or uncovered something NEW about the situation you were observing, thinking about or experiencing!
I would suggest you draw every day, draw everywhere, and everything - don't choose when or when not to draw - what or what not to draw -  just draw all the time! Sometimes the "creative inspiration" hits you at the strangest moment (when I just wake up, when I am with friends, when I am aggravated, when I am sleepy, etc..) and not always at the moment I sit down to "work".

Continue reading below....

2. In our one on one talks in class I took notes or wrote some comments. I consider these to be important to your individual progress. How you practice them is up to you, but I would like to continue our conversations about those issues. So, when we meet to discuss at a later date, you should have examples of things you are working on that address those concerns.

3. Labeling posts: at the end of the semester we should be able to Search you name and see all your assignments. If this is not the case you need to remedy this situation soon by Labelling all your posts with your name- First and Last.

4. We will have a model this week: bring the newsprint, 10 sheets of white paper and all basic drawing tools.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

still life

some countour drawings and copy of the image

i been having trouble uploading the pictures all week ... im sorry!!

Leslie's Still Life

This still life was a challenge for me because I was dealing with a difficult perspective as well as reflection in the glass table.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Burak's Still Life

The pills are rather problematic.

Leslie's Master Drawing

Hi Everyone,
My issue was trying to make my figure like she was looking down. This was a difficulty for me!

Still life

still life

After I finished it, I found that the hat and tissue are smaller than supposed...

Maria Sofie Rose figure drawing

Finally i did it!! Here is my homework that i posted on saturday aswell!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Bosket's Visual Notes on Ana Leshen Master

Hey it is really good to see everyone working on these together.

I made some visual notes on this one, it's kinda easy on photoshop to GESTURE a shape or line on the original and then move, scale, etc and paste onto the copy! Helped me SEE more.  I hope some of you will do this for your partners as I will not have time to do more of these! (PS: the images must be FLAT to do this well, so photograph on a wall or scan.)

Note: LABEL all your posts with you NAME!!! That way we can search all your projects at the end of the semester!

Be well, Tom

Ana Leshen still life

I only draw the images in the front; the show, candle, bowl and pill bottle.

Master Drawing ANA LESHEN

Meredith Dawson Drawing the Masters

Hi all, here is my drawing--Claudine and I are working on the same one. My scanner isn't working properly so I had to take a pic instead, so you might not be able to see it so clearly. The hands are really hard to draw! There are lots of curves in this drawing; I kept trying to make gentle 'S' lines and 'M' lines, if that makes any sense. Thanks!

Yi Drawing Maters

This is my homework for this week... the face part is really hard for me...and I've tried my best...

Friday, September 23, 2011

Drawing Master

Hi Everyone,
This is my drawing of a master drawing. I've been doing it for a couple of hours now so I'm starting to not being able to see the differences anymore.. What do you think? I would appreciate some advice. Thank you!

Doodlers, unite! Sunni Brown on

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bild Contour Drawings

Hi Everyone,
Here are pictures of the two best blind contours i spoke about in class today. Even though I'm not able to "connect the dots" quite yet, I can really see and feel a difference when I look and draw different objects details. I'm very detail oriented so it came as a surprise to me, how many things I was overseeing before the bling contour. The top picture is the needle part of a sewing machine and the second one is a leaf. / Claudine

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Maria Sofie Rose- First Collage

This is my first collage just putting two black and white pictures together, one upside down. One of a boy and one of a girl:)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Burak - Second Collage


tea (accidentally dripped the brush into my tea. my water was in need of a change, and tea was cold anyway, so I continued. After a while I noticed that I was also drinking it. Hopefully I'll survive. [also it has an awesome shade of earth and makes the paint blob heterogenously on paper])
starbucks holder thingie
chocolate (ritter sport)

I forgot my glue, so I used white gouache instead. It holds surprisingly well.

the brush is da vinci #8 which I somehow got for another class' requireds list. $8 or something like that. It has this incredible, hysteria inducing fine tip - you can almost draw with a single hair. Inside some of the patterns there should be a blind drawing of starbucks cup, my chocolate and napkins, though I'm not sure all is visible on the final result.

full resolution:

Burak - First Collage

I didn't know I could use computer! Anyway, a bit of handiwork is always welcome.

Regarding the collage: I don't like fashion, fashion industry, fashionists and fashionistas and anything that has to do with fashion - glorified herd psyche at its best, in my (humble) opinion.

Blind Contour


TOUCHING the edge of a form. (Outline differs in that it only follows the shape.)
Contour is Three dimensional.
The eye is the outline- the touch is the contour.


1. Do not look at the page, this is about touch not sight.
2. Touch the model with your pencil, move slowly and follow with your touch.
3. Practice on objects.
4. One drawing per page. Done on white drawing paper.

Thoughts: the contour of land, furrows, Low Latin (Late)- to go around.  Gesture, “that was a kind gesture”, Low Latin- a mode of action; from Latin- to bear, carry.

Note to a student that emailed me. (I wanted to share with you all.)
As to blind contour drawing, it is NOT about the drawing. BUt if you make your way around the outside of an object and need to connect the inside, just "WALK" over to the next object and FOLLOW the pathway there..even if it doesn't have a name (like the section in between my eyes and nose). OR, look down, find a new connection and follow from there.
It IS about feeling the edge you are "touching" as you go around the form (3-D)! So the sensitivity training is what is most important NOT the image it creates- strangely what is important is the ACT of DRAWING!!! NOT the noun: a drawing.


I wanted the first collage to be a distorted face that was hiding .
I cropped and resized the images and then softened the line in-between.
Tip: squint your eyes and look at it.

For the 2nd collage, I put together 5 images together without thinking (very difficult!).
I'm really pleased with the result, but both of them can improve as I learn the programs and get technically savvy!

Yi's collage

Chest with an apple and bananas.

tug of war