Anna Pontes to Thomas
Hi Thomas,
This is Anna.
I am really confused with the assignments you gave us.
Is the theme totally free?
We can draw anything? I mean...
Does it have to be observation or from our creative minds?
I've done some drawings from mind, but they have that "fashion" feeling to it (as I told you I have a fashion drawing background).
Sorry if the questions are silly.
Have a nice Sunday night,
They are NOT silly, and I think you should keep the exploration open- yes it is FREE!
Please share our correspondence on the blog to help others- and share your drawings/research. I will do my own tomorrow and post. Simply put: You are:
"To create a presentation on how to be creative, uninhibited and innovative. You will present this to the class one at a time (unless you choose to work with someone else.)"
You ask questions:
Does it have to be observation or from our creative minds?
DO IT ALL! Every question you ask should be answered in drawing so that when you present your explorations you have ALL the possible outcomes that entered your body, mind and soul on that wall to show others! It should be a MAP of your INTERIOR!!!
I posted the Erick Mendolsoln post to help inspire, but that was LIMITED! Imagine what it took for him to be inspired? To get to where he WENT- that was LIKE SPACE TRAVEL in 1920!!! he built the Einstein Tower. What did he do to take his mind, heart, hand, soul to that place?
Forget this is homework, go play. Pick up anything you see, taste, feel, etc.. and make it yours through any drawing like medium!? Collage, photos, drawing, do it all!! Suck up the THING you are interested in and LOVE IT, LEARN IT intimately in every way you can imagine (you say everything turns out fashion oriented- WELL what is fashion? "Beauty, elegance, perfection, fantasy...." Then make work that questions those things? "What is Ugly? What is it's relationship to beauty? What is Elegance? What does it REQUIRE to be elegant, what is the opposite....CLUMSY? Fantasy....Reality! How can I make an image REAL and then REALER and THEN MORE AND MORE REAL!!!!?
The answers DO NOT come from thinking, you have to draw them out! DRAW THEM OUT! Stop thinking and have experiences, spend the night in Manhattan DRAWING everything and anything that looks, feels of draws out whatever WONDER is in you! You have a beautiful power in your drawings, a wild line that searches and has strength...go use that to explore and discover new worlds!
Look at the Homework sheet and after you have played, practice some of the suggestions.
Good luck! I will play tomorrow- I promise and hope it helps you along, but you are your most powerful inspiration!!!
Have FUN.... and yes, I am scared of doing this, but I am also totally excited for the possibilities..
Be well Tom
Anna, it always helps to have a problem. If you don't have one you have complete freedom and this creates: FREE DOOM or FREE DUMB, but to be truly creative, you need a problem, something that gets in your way and you want to get around it! Something that pushes you in a direction, shoves you! And, as is human nature, in our real lives we create problems all the time!!! So create a creative problem...anything, anyone that you imagine could stand in your way...put it there and then BLOW IT AWAY!
Be well Tom
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