Friday, October 28, 2011





I am researching materials. Now I have been enjoying working with ink pastels, pastel crayons and acrylics. I am using different papers such as watercolor paper and medium texture canvas paper.


I have been always intrigued by homeless people, addicts and humans that destroy themselves.

It’s amazing to see how people can transform into a different creature.

Are we animals after all? At the end can our instincts and impulses take over us and make us animals with no freedom of choice; Slaves of our own desires.

We are all born the same way what makes the difference of one person becoming a “successful person “ and another a “scum of society”.

What amazes me more is how after being “dehumanized “how we can restore, recover and become, functional human beings again.

The power of human beings to change. I call it the fire that burns you and the fire that warms illuminates.

Definitions of transformation

Transformation occurs naturally in some species of bacteria, but it can also be effected by artificial means in other cells.

(1) : the operation of changing (as by rotation or mapping) one configuration or expression into another in accordance with a mathematical rule; especially : a change of variables or coordinates in which a function of new variables or coordinates is substituted for each original variable or coordinate (2) : the formula that effects a transformation


to make different without changing into something else

Inspirations in Context

Martine Rhyner

Real People

Perspectives ANA LESHEN

Figure Class ANA LESHEN


Value Class Work ANA LESHEN

More Inspirations ANA LESHEN

Inspirations ANA LESHEN

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


These are my inclass form drawings from today. I struggled in the , and couldn't even get my gesture right, but I got a sense of it in the top drawing on the leg.. I have to practice more on this!




In-class gesture of model


In-class value drawing with charcoal.

attempt for value drawing.

Value drawing with color.

today work

this perspectives are in ink and watercolor, the first one is in dark tones and the contrast in the dark and white was the value i wanted to show!
the second one is a one point perspective i did this as a draft, but i liked the contrast of the colors , and the sketchy way that its done.

the other ones are perspectives in pencil and ink i did long time ago!! but they are really nice ones, i like them !!

last work

Personal Project

Luiza's Hell Project

By Anna Pontes


The project is an accordion fold book format with about 8 to 10 pages. Even having pages that can be seen separately as scenes of a story, the book works as a long horizontal image wen open in its totally.


The book tells the story of two sisters - twins, that were mystically separated in a dream as a result of hate and envy that both carried among their fraternal relationship. This dream actually affected the twins reality when the next morning one of them disappeared. Luiza was banned to this new, dark and unknown dimension from which she and none of the creatures that live there know the way out.

As the years go by, the girls realize that the need of each other is even more painful than being apart. But no matter what they do, think or feel, there's nothing that will bring them back together.


The project is based on a story I created years ago that relies on the idea that every person has two personalities. Most of people can work well with both of them and few brake themselves apart and walk on a path that strengths one of these personalities, hoping that way will lead them to success in life. Even though it may work for almost everybody, some people spend their lives suffering softly in silence for having made the wrong choice when choosing to brake them apart.

I love the topic for its dark and sad mood and the curious question that comes up by the end: Are they going to get together again? Is there a way to help them?



1. anything that is kept secret or remains unexplained orunknown: the mysteries of nature.

2. any affair, thing, or person that presents features orqualities so obscure as to arouse curiosity or speculation:The masked guest is an absolute mystery to everyone.
3. a novel, short story, play, or film whose plot involves acrime or other event that remains puzzlingly unsettled untilthe very end: a mystery by Agatha Christie.
4. obscure, puzzling, or mysterious quality or character: themystery of Mona Lisa's smile.

Nostalgia: a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a formertime in one's life, to one's home or homeland, or to one'sfamily and friends; a sentimental yearning for the happinessof a former place or time: a nostalgia for his college days.


expressing or conveying truths or counsel as to rightconduct, as a speaker or a literary work; moralizing: amoral novel.


the expression of one’s meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect


Various artists from illustrators to painters are being references to the development of this book. Some are famous artists, some are amateurs found via websites. Some names: Laura Laine, Aron Wiesenfeld, Inka Issenhigh, Joe Fenton, Joao Ruas, James Siena, Katie Hoffman, Leslie White, Felix and the film director Tim Burton.