Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Marlene Dumas
Marlene Dumas

Marlene Dumas
Luc Tuymans

The images in this post are all using VALUE to communicate about a variety of emotional states and states of mind! Consider what it is you want to talk about in your work and do the first few steps of homework as an expedition to find something NEW!

Project: Create a drawing that utilizes VALUE in an expressive way.

Steps to be hung up as part of your final image:

I. Due October 19

1. You are required to do small thumbnails, showing the various ways you considered using value. (There should be a range of Meaning explored. You want to discover what you intend to say.) This part would involve TRYING anything, EXPERIMENT and above all PLAY!

2. Collect images that inspired you. They should NOT be pixelated. Print them out and bring in.

3. After step 1. you should pick the most exemplary Materials for your project (You may create some RAW material tests for FUN!) and then work in those materials for a few MOCK UPS.This is where you see how your first decisions play out once they are more developed.

Note: I want you all to have time to develop your interests very precisely, so this week is about exploration but SERIOUS exploration. Make sure you explore all THREE steps THOROUGHLY! If you have questions- make something that addresses the issue and post them so I can respond. Please post what you get as soon as you get it to inspire others in their process!!! This should be a wild week of MAKING!!!!

II. Due October 26

3. Take one of those MOCK UPS into a more refined state or start a new drawing and complete what you have to say about VALUE!

Note: Supplies next week: We will be working on Perspective and Form, you will need a pencil and white paper.

Huang Yong Ping

Sebastian Hammwohner

Sandra Cinto

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