Friday, November 18, 2011

Shift in direction - Final Project


My exploration of the "perspective of incomplete", has shifted. I realized during my exploration of showing a women's layers through dividing her into pieces and placing them on a see-through paper and hitting it back together that I was reflecting my own situation. With stress and pressure on my self to succeed I have felt incomplete and not quite as my self during my first months at Parsons. This in combination with my realization that I'm a 90% left brain, 10% right brain I have decided to shift my materials and to show more of my self in this project. My exploration of the first part of the project has made me reach this point, and therefor I feel that It's still relevant and that I did learn a lot on the way. It's not about the project it's about the process.... :)

I saw a movie called "It's a funny story", and realized that something that I do to relax which is "doodling" geometric shapes, could turn into something that can evolve and become something that repretents me and that I enjoy doing but the same time challenges me.
After last class I also understood why I find this relaxing and it is because it makes me use the left side of my brain. My geometric shapes will represent my mind and therefor I will explore color and the meaning of color, to communicate what it's inside. I will make a series of "mind-grids", that represents the different mindsets that I experience during this period. My previous inspiration will continue to inspire me in this part of the project.

I'll post images as soon as the paint dries on my first mind grid!

"Brain map" from the movie It's a Funny Story.

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